Friday, October 23, 2009

Austin Zen Center Gardens

So far we just have the weeds cleared and a few veggies planted. We will be putting more stuff in Sunday and watching and waiting.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Gallettes from Tassajara Dinners and Desserts

I used the dough from TD&D, and the idea for mushrooms, but didn't use their recipe for filling. Galletes are one of those nice things were you can just wing it. I had some feta, some apples, and some mushrooms to use, so I made two little gallettes, one with mushroom and feta, and the other with apple and feta. I applied a liberal egg wash to the top of each, and baked them at 425 for 15 minutes. The book says to turn down your oven and bake them another 15-30, but mine were done after the 1st fifteen minutes at 425, perhaps because I made two small tarts rather than one large one. Regardless, they were really very easy, and one of the prettiest things I've ever made. These, a nice salad, and a bottle of wine will impress just about anyone. Enjoy!

Friday, October 9, 2009

My First Attempt at a Tomato Rose

Well, my second. The one I flash right at the beginning was my first. A sharp knife is imperative, and I mean SHARP, and as such you probably shouldn't cut towards your thumb like I'm doing. Have fun!

A Few Notes From the Fall Garden

This lovely debutante is an okra flower, probably one of the most beautiful flowers I know of, a delicate beauty which gives way to the one of the most under-appreciated vegetables I know of.
The whole garden is renewed and loving the wet weather, and today was the first truly cool weather day so far. It was fantastic. I have several little eggplant coming in, and a bounty of microgreens (marketing-speak for thinned seedlings) which provide a tart/bitter/hot/sweet delight as well as tons of nutrients when added to a salad. It also somewhat eases the pain of pulling those little babies you have spent the last few weeks caring for and willing to grow, a task I always find especially heart breaking.

What is the highlight of your Fall garden? Are you looking forward to pickling beets? Having greens all winter? Adding fresh kale to your morning smoothie?

This Sunday I will be overhauling the Austin Zen Center's garden, along with a few other members. Stay tuned for pictures, and enjoy the soup and sweater weather.

Thursday, October 1, 2009 Photo Contest!

Hey foodies!

I haven't really gotten around to it yet, but I intend to post some good food stuff on this blog as well, as it relates loosely to gardening and organics, because it's my blog and I can. That being the case, my first food-related post is to encourage you, my lovely readers, to enter your favorite food photos in's food photography contest. Prizes include a FusionWood Petty Knife by New West Knife Works, a Mini Espresso Grinder, $50 Amazon gift certificates, and James Paterson cookbooks. I have spent hours looking at the photos on their site (seriously) and there's some stiff competition. So show 'em what you got! Oh yeah and vote for me! My handle is BamBam7. Food Photography Contest