Saturday, October 10, 2009

Gallettes from Tassajara Dinners and Desserts

I used the dough from TD&D, and the idea for mushrooms, but didn't use their recipe for filling. Galletes are one of those nice things were you can just wing it. I had some feta, some apples, and some mushrooms to use, so I made two little gallettes, one with mushroom and feta, and the other with apple and feta. I applied a liberal egg wash to the top of each, and baked them at 425 for 15 minutes. The book says to turn down your oven and bake them another 15-30, but mine were done after the 1st fifteen minutes at 425, perhaps because I made two small tarts rather than one large one. Regardless, they were really very easy, and one of the prettiest things I've ever made. These, a nice salad, and a bottle of wine will impress just about anyone. Enjoy!

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